Hidden Messages in Popular Movies We’ve Never Noticed

[post_page_title]The Exorcist had ghostly flashes[/post_page_title]

The Exorcist was undoubtedly one of the most terrifying movies in film history, and all this time we thought its villain – the demonic presence that calls itself Pazuzu – was never actually revealed in it. We thought it was content with possessing Regan’s body and making her do despicable things like spinning her head. But that’s not entirely true, is it?

The Exorcist’s ghostly flashes

Director William Friedkin actually inserted several frames of ‘Captain Howdy’ (as Regan calls him) throughout the movie. As the film was released in 1973, and VHS didn’t make its arrival to America before 1977, viewers had no idea until much, much later. Friedkin, however, thought it would affect the audiences on a subliminal level, which we guess it did.

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