
Why smartphones will never fully replace laptops

Smartphones are a major part of our lives, and many of us practically run our lives based around our smartphones. Indeed, business owners and working professionals alike have found their smartphones to be invaluable when it comes to running a business and promoting your working life. However, the question has been posed about whether or

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The importance of learning code

As our world has become more and more tech-oriented, you’ve probably had somebody tell you about how important it is that you are able to code. While people will sometimes overstate this need a little – often making it seem as if coding is the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe – it

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What kind of headphones is the healthiest for your hearing?

Prolonged use of headphones on a daily basis can cause permanent hearing loss. According to one study 2011, which was published in the Journal of the America Medical Association, the use of headphones and earbuds has led to a serious uptick in hearing loss in people. When used for a long time, the sounds from

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Should you get a Mac or a PC

Are you looking for a new laptop but don’t know where to start? The two leading players are Windows and Apple, with their Mac and PC products, but how do you know which one is right for you? What are you going to use it for? Generally speaking, Apple Macs are known for being popular

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Jobs that have already been taken over by robots

If modern history has taught us anything, it’s that robots are very good at competing against humans. Throughout the last few centuries, we’ve seen companies replacing standard workers with machines which work faster, have fewer errors, and receive no pay. These changes demolished routine tasks and helped us shape an advanced, productive world, while also

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How the World Wide Web changed our Lives

Computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee changed the world on August 23, 1991, by inventing the World Wide Web. His invention brought an indelible change in the way we connect, create, and think. He ignited a global wave of changes never seen before. And, incredibly, he did all this for free. The World Wide Web has given

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The best smartphone apps that will increase your productivity

Sometimes we need a little bit of help when it comes to being productive. It’s not always the easiest of things, with so many distractions readily available. However, instead of using good old fashioned pen and paper, why not go for the more reliable, easier option and choosing an app on your cell phone? Here

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How much does a trip to space really cost?

Efforts of humankind to surpass its limits have sent us up to the stars during the last century. Since then, about 550 qualified astronauts have travelled into space, and the ones who’ve returned from successful missions describe it as one of the greatest mind-blowing experiences a person can ever have. While astronauts represent a very

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