Times People Experienced Some Unlucky And Embarrassing Things

Times People Experienced Some Unlucky And Embarrassing Things

*Originally published on our publishing group’s site MommyTribune.com

It’s often been said that comedy equals tragedy plus time, but we honestly found these awfully awkward exchanges funny right from the very start. If there’s anything that keeps you up at night, that you still think about as the most awkward thing that’s ever happened – you can start relaxing, because it doesn’t come within a country mile to what happened to these people.

[post_page_title]Fake happy birthday, we guess[/post_page_title]

Hey, if he was looking for a silver lining in all of this, it might be that she at least posted it to her private Snapchat. Ah, who are we kidding? That doesn’t help at all.

Fake happy birthday, we guess

We do have to wonder, though – if she wants to get out of the date so badly, why did she agree to it in the first place? And beyond that, why does she need to build this elaborate, Prison Break-like ruse? What happened to good old “I can’t, I need to wash my hair”?

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