People Who Needed To Watch The Backdrop Before Taking These Photos

Photos where the hilarious background steals the scene

*Originally published on our publishing group’s site

We live in a time where it is so easy to take pictures wherever you are – you just need to pull out your phone and push a button. And so many people take selfies these days in all sorts of places – not just in front of a nice view but also in places like their car, the bar bathroom, and their kitchen. This makes it easier than ever for things to go hilariously wrong in the background of a photo. From photobombs to unfortunate reflections to animals acting up, we think these crazy backgrounds make the photographs so much better.

If you think about it, we can something take for granted the different things that go on in the background while we take pictures. We try to make sure our smiles are perfect, that our hair isn’t windswept, and that the lighting is just right. But what makes a picture extends beyond just those things. It lends itself to the beauty of our fellow neighbors appreciating us as we take our photos.

Here are some of our favorite photos where the background steals the scene.

[post_page_title]Caught in the act[/post_page_title]

Have you ever noticed how people on the subway tend to mind their own business, trying to avoid making eye-contact with strangers? These girls are certainly doing that, taking a selfie in their own world, enjoying a night out on the town.

Caught in the act

They’re looking their best, dressed in black with their makeup and hair done, and they’re feeling good. But what they failed to notice (maybe because those sunglasses make it hard to see) was that the woman behind them definitely wasn’t feeling quite as great as them.

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