Ex-Lovers Show the Hilarious Ways They Covered Up Their Exes Tattoo

Turn your ex’s name into Batman

*Article was originally published on our publishing group’s site Rocketgeeks.com

For some, one of the highest displays of affection is to get the name of a significant other tattooed on your skin. The only downside of that is that while many relationships don’t last, tattoos do. For that reason, some have had to get creative when it comes to covering up tattoos dedicated to their exes.

[post_page_title]Turn your ex’s name into Batman[/post_page_title]

Is there any better way to take care of having the name of an ex tattooed across your back than replacing it with an epic picture of Batman?

Turn your ex’s name into Batman

One guy took advantage of the huge tattoo that he had on his back and created an amazing portrait dedicated to the Dark Knight with a fantastic background of the city of Gotham. Surely, his family and friends were happy to see the way this guy recovered from his breakup.

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